Basic allied health statistics and analysis

Koch, Gerda.

Basic allied health statistics and analysis - Fourth edition. - xi, 356 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (page 349) and index.

Basic allied health statistics and analysis, 4th edition, is designed to explain common statistical computations and their practical uses in health care settings. The book's hands-on approach requires students to think through problems and then apply the proper method of statistical analysis. Topics explore the current health care industry, basic math and statistical computations, vital statistics and mortality rates, census and occupancy rates, and more, all in accordance with CAHIIM curriculum standards and competencies. Chapter learning features include examples, tables and figures, and even a separate column for note-taking, along with a brand new chapter on the fundamentals of research. Plenty of case studies and self-assessment opportunities keep students engaged in the material, while ensuring a practical and discerning knowledge of key data and statistical concepts.



GBB408395 bnb

101630360 DNLM 016608812 Uk

Medical statistics.
Public health--Statistical methods.
Hospital care.
Health facilities.
Health Facilities
Statistics as Topic--methods
health facilities.
Hospital care
Health facilities
Medical statistics
Public health--Statistical methods

R853.S7 / K63 2015


2014 E-750 WX 158

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