Pound, Linda,

Teaching mathematics creatively / - Second edition. - 1 online resource : illustrations - Learning to teach in the primary school series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This new and updated edition of Teaching Mathematics Creatively offers a range of strategies to enable trainee and practising teachers to take an innovative, playful and creative approach to maths teaching. It promotes creativity as a key element of practice and offers ideas to involve your students and develop knowledge, understanding and enjoyment. Exploring fresh approaches, this text explains the role of play in bringing mathematics alive for children and teachers alike. It identifies the power of story-telling in supporting mathematical thinking, examines cross-curricular teaching, and al.


9781317511267 Ingram Content Group

GBB553083 bnb

017493048 Uk

Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Curriculum planning.
Lesson planning.
Pr�eparation de cours.
MATHEMATICS--Study & Teaching.
Curriculum planning
Lesson planning
Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)

QA11 / .P6325 2015
