1. Introduction to pharmacology -- 2. Peripheral nervous system -- 3. Respiratory system -- 4. Cardiovascular system -- 5. Kidney and urinary system -- 6. Gastrointestinal system -- 7. Endocrine and reproductive systems -- 8. Central nervous system -- 9. Drug misuse -- 10. Pain and anaesthesia -- 11. Inflammation, allergic diseases and immunosuppression -- 12. Infectious diseases -- 13. Cancer.
Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essential for exam success - with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result are books which exactly meet your needs and you know you can trust. Each chapter guides you succinctly through the full range of curriculum topics, integrating clinical considerations with the relevant basic science and avoiding unnecessary or confusing detail.
9780702073441 070207344X
Pharmacology--Textbooks. Drugs. Chemotherapy. Pharmacology--Examinations, questions, etc. Pharmacological Phenomena Pharmaceutical Preparations Drug Therapy Pharmacologie--Examens, questions, etc. M�edicaments. Chimioth�erapie. Drugs Chemotherapy Pharmacology